Entity Framework Core 1 (aka EF7)

Data Onion Configuration

If using Microsoft out-of-the box DI container read this section

  1. Add SSW.DataOnion.DependencyResolution.Microsoft nuget package to your UI project:

    Install-Package SSW.DataOnion.DependencyResolution.Microsoft -Pre
  2. Open your Startup.cs file and go to ConfigureServices method

  3. Add the following code:

    To create database automatically if it doesn’t exist

    var databaseInitializer = new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists(new SampleDataSeeder());

    To always drop and re-create the database

    var databaseInitializer = new DropCreateDatabaseAlways(new SampleDataSeeder());

    To use migrations

    var databaseInitializer = new MigrateToLatestVersion(new SampleDataSeeder());

    Note: data seeder parameter is optional. To create data seeder just implements IDataSeeder interface.

    Now add this line to activate DataOnion:

    services.AddDataOnion(new DbContextConfig(this.Configuration["Data:DefaultConnection:ConnectionString"], typeof(YourDbContextType), databaseInitializer));

    Note: First parameter is just your connection string, adjust it if required.

  4. Register repositories for each entity that you are going to use (only if you want to use repository pattern):

    services.AddTransient<IRepository<YourEntityName>, BaseRepository<YourEntityName, YourDbContextName>>();

If using Autofac DI container read this section

  1. Add SSW.DataOnion.DependencyResolution.Autofac nuget package to your UI project:

    Install-Package SSW.DataOnion.DependencyResolution.Autofac -Pre
  2. Open your Startup.cs file or file used to configure your Autofac contrainer

  3. Add the following code:

    To create database automatically if it doesn’t exist

    var databaseInitializer = newCreateDatabaseIfNotExists(new SampleDataSeeder());

    To always drop and re-create the database

    var databaseInitializer = newDropCreateDatabaseAlways(new SampleDataSeeder());

    To use migrations

    var databaseInitializer = newMigrateToLatestVersion(new SampleDataSeeder());

    Note: data seeder parameter is optional. To create data seeder just implements IDataSeeder interface.

    Now call AddDataOnion extension method on your Autofac container builder:

    builder.AddDataOnion(new DbContextConfig(this.Configuration["Data:DefaultConnection:ConnectionString"], typeof(YourDbContextType), databaseInitializer));

    Note: First parameter is just your connection string, adjust it if required.

  4. Register repositories for each entity that you are going to use (only if you want to use repository pattern):

    buider.Register<BaseRepository<YourEntityName, YourDbContextName>>().As<IRepository<YourEntityName>>();

If using any other DI container read this section

  1. Add SSW.DataOnion.Core nuget package to your UI or DependencyResolution project:

    Install-Package SSW.DataOnion.Core -Pre
  2. Implement IRepositoryResolver interface (OPTIONAL – use it only if you are planning to use unit of work pattern)

  3. Register the following classes with corresponding interfaces using DI Container of your choice:

    • DbContextFactory with IDbContextFactory interface and parameter dbContextConfigs
    • DbContextScope with IDbContextScope interface
    • DbContextScopeFactory with IDbContextScopeFactory interface – instance per request is recommended
    • AmbientDbContextLocator with IAmbientDbContextLocator interface
    • DbContextReadOnlyScope with IDbContextReadOnlyScope interface

    if you are planning to use unit of work pattern, then the following dependencies must also be registered

    • RepositoryLocator with IRepositoryLocator interface
    • YourRepositoryResolver with IAutofacRepositoryResolver interface
    • UnitOfWorkFactory with IUnitOfWorkFactory interface – instance per request is recommended
    • UnitOfWork with IUnitOfWork interface
    • ReadOnlyUnitOfWork with IReadOnlyUnitOfWork interface

Congratulations, you are now ready to use DataOnion2!!!

Using Data Onion


Data onion supports two main DbContext interactions:

  1. Direct interaction with DbContext via DbContextScope. To use this type of interaction, just inject IDbContextScopeFactory into the class that initiates business transaction.

    When you start business transaction use factory to create DbContextScope and resolve DbContext for you. At the end of business transaction, call SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync on DbContextScope instance.


    public HomeController(IDbContextScopeFactory dbContextScopeFactory)
        this.dbContextScopeFactory = dbContextScopeFactory;
    public async Task<IActionResult> Schools()
        using (var dbContextScope = this.dbContextScopeFactory.CreateReadOnly())
            var schools =
                    await dbContextScope.DbContexts.Get<SchoolDbContext>()
                            .Include(s => s.Address)
                            .Include(s => s.Students)

    If you need to access the ambient DbContext instances anywhere else (e.g. in a repository class), you can just take a dependency on IAmbientDbContextLocator and use it to locate your existing DbContext.

  2. Indirect interaction with DbContext using UnitOfWork and repository pattern.

    The repository and unit of work patterns are intended to create an abstraction layer between the data access layer and the business logic layer of an application. Implementing these patterns can help insulate your application from changes in the data store and can facilitate automated unit testing or test-driven development (TDD).

    To use this interaction, take a dependency on IUnitOfWorkFactory.

    When you start business transaction use factory to create UnitOfWork. At the end of business transaction, call SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync on Unitofwork instance


    public HomeController(IUnitOfWorkFactory unitOfWorkFactory)
        this.unitOfWorkFactory = unitOfWorkFactory;
    public async Task<IActionResult> Schools()
        using (var unitOfWork = this.unitOfWorkFactory.CreateReadOnly())
            var schools =
                    await unitOfWork.Repository<School>()
                        .Include(s => s.Address)
                        .Include(s => s.Students)

Types of DbContext Scope or UnitOfWork

DataOnion also support two types of DbContextScope or UnitOfWork:

  1. Full CRUD – with tracking and caching
  2. ReadOnly – optimized for queries only with tracking disabled.

For more details see sample app: https://github.com/SSWConsulting/SSW.DataOnion2/tree/master/EF7/SSW.DataOnion/sample

Generating DbContext (Optional)

This step is optional. DbContext partial class will be automatically generated based on your Domain Entities. Generated db context will be properly configured for EF Migrations and will contain code to locate and map fluent configurations for entities (EF 7/Core1 is missing automatic assembly locator for entity configuration files).

  1. Add SSW.DataOnion.CodeGeneration nuget package to project that will contain your DbContext (i.e YourNamespace.Data) :

    Install-Package SSW.DataOnion.CodeGenerator -Pre
  2. Register custom data onion command in your project.son file:

    "commands": {
        "onion": "SSW.DataOnion.CodeGenerator"
  3. In console, navigate to your data project root folder and type:

    dnx onion -help

    List of available parameters will be shown.

  4. Run the following command to generate your partial DbContext:

    dnx onion --entitiesNamespace "YourEntitiesProjectNamespace" --dataNamespace " YourDataProjectNamespace " --entitiesDll "path to your entities project dll" --name "NameOfYourDbContext" --baseClassName "OptionalEntityBaseClass"

    For sample project, the following command was used (https://github.com/SSWConsulting/SSW.DataOnion2/tree/master/EF7/SSW.DataOnion/sample):

    dnx onion --entitiesNamespace "SSW.DataOnion.Sample.Entities" --dataNamespace "SSW.DataOnion.Sample.Data" --entitiesDll "..\artifacts\bin\SSW.DataOnion.Sample.Entities\Debug\dnx451\SSW.DataOnion.Sample.Entities.dll" --name "SchoolDbContext" --baseClassName "AggregateRoot"

    Once this command is run, you should see NameOfYourDbContext.gen.cs partial class generated.

  5. Create another partial class NameOfYourDbContext.cs, this will be where your custom code will go if necessary.

  6. Optional. If using EF migrations, add config.json file (you can give it a different name, just make sure you update it in NameOfYourDbContext.gen.cs file), which contains connection string for your database. This will be used by EF Migrations to generate migrations.

    Sample config.json:

        "Data": {
            "DefaultConnection": {
                "ConnectionString": "Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=SSW.DataOnion.Sample;Trusted\_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"

Now you are ready to run EF migrations.

Entity Framework 6

Data Onion Configuration

If using Autofac DI container read this section

  1. Add SSW.DataOnion.DependencyResolution.Autofac.EF6 nuget package to your UI project:

    Install-Package SSW.DataOnion.DependencyResolution.Autofac.EF6 -Pre
  2. Open your Startup.cs file or file used to configure your Autofac contrainer

  3. Add the following code:

    To create database automatically if it doesn’t exist

    var databaseInitializer = newCreateDatabaseIfNotExists(new SampleDataSeeder());

    To always drop and re-create the database

    var databaseInitializer = newDropCreateDatabaseAlways(new SampleDataSeeder());

    To use migrations

    var databaseInitializer = newMigrateToLatestVersion(new SampleDataSeeder());

    Note: data seeder parameter is optional. To create data seeder just implements IDataSeeder interface.

    Now call AddDataOnion extension method on your Autofac container builder:

    builder.AddDataOnion(new DbContextConfig(this.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["YourConnectionString"].ConnectionString, typeof(YourDbContextType), databaseInitializer));

    Note: First parameter is just your connection string, adjust it if required.

  4. Register repositories for each entity that you are going to use (only if you want to use repository pattern):

    buider.Register<BaseRepository<YourEntityName, YourDbContextName>>().As<IRepository<YourEntityName>>();

Congratulations, you are now ready to use DataOnion2!!!

If using any other DI container read this section

  1. Add SSW.DataOnion.Core.EF6 nuget package to your UI or DependencyResolution project:

    Install-Package SSW.DataOnion.Core.EF6 -Pre
  2. Implement IRepositoryResolver interface (OPTIONAL – use it only if you are planning to use unit of work pattern)

  3. Register the following classes with corresponding interfaces using DI Container of your choice:

    • DbContextFactory with IDbContextFactory interface and parameter dbContextConfigs
    • DbContextScope with IDbContextScope interface
    • DbContextScopeFactory with IDbContextScopeFactory interface – instance per request is recommended
    • AmbientDbContextLocator with IAmbientDbContextLocator interface
    • DbContextReadOnlyScope with IDbContextReadOnlyScope interface

    if you are planning to use unit of work pattern, then the following dependencies must also be registered

    • RepositoryLocator with IRepositoryLocator interface
    • YourRepositoryResolver with IAutofacRepositoryResolver interface
    • UnitOfWorkFactory with IUnitOfWorkFactory interface – instance per request is recommended
    • UnitOfWork with IUnitOfWork interface
    • ReadOnlyUnitOfWork with IReadOnlyUnitOfWork interface

Using Data Onion


Data onion supports two main DbContext interactions:

  1. Direct interaction with DbContext via DbContextScope. To use this type of interaction, just inject IDbContextScopeFactory into the class that initiates business transaction.

    When you start business transaction use factory to create DbContextScope and resolve DbContext for you. At the end of business transaction, call SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync on DbContextScope instance.


    public HomeController(IDbContextScopeFactory dbContextScopeFactory)
        this.dbContextScopeFactory = dbContextScopeFactory;
    public async Task<IActionResult> Schools()
        using (var dbContextScope = this.dbContextScopeFactory.CreateReadOnly())
            var schools =
                    await dbContextScope.DbContexts.Get<SchoolDbContext>()
                            .Include(s => s.Address)
                            .Include(s => s.Students)

    If you need to access the ambient DbContext instances anywhere else (e.g. in a repository class), you can just take a dependency on IAmbientDbContextLocator and use it to locate your existing DbContext.

  2. Indirect interaction with DbContext using UnitOfWork and repository pattern.

    The repository and unit of work patterns are intended to create an abstraction layer between the data access layer and the business logic layer of an application. Implementing these patterns can help insulate your application from changes in the data store and can facilitate automated unit testing or test-driven development (TDD).

    To use this interaction, take a dependency on IUnitOfWorkFactory.

    When you start business transaction use factory to create UnitOfWork. At the end of business transaction, call SaveChanges or SaveChangesAsync on Unitofwork instance


    public HomeController(IUnitOfWorkFactory unitOfWorkFactory)
        this.unitOfWorkFactory = unitOfWorkFactory;
    public async Task<IActionResult> Schools()
        using (var unitOfWork = this.unitOfWorkFactory.CreateReadOnly())
            var schools =
                    await unitOfWork.Repository<School>()
                        .Include(s => s.Address)
                        .Include(s => s.Students)

Types of DbContext Scope or UnitOfWork

DataOnion also support two types of DbContextScope or UnitOfWork:

  1. Full CRUD – with tracking and caching
  2. ReadOnly – optimized for queries only with tracking disabled.

For more details see sample app: https://github.com/SSWConsulting/SSW.DataOnion2/tree/master/EF7/SSW.DataOnion/sample

Generating DbContext (Optional)

This step is optional. DbContext partial class will be automatically generated based on your Domain Entities. Generated db context will be properly configured for EF Migrations and will contain code to locate and map fluent configurations for entities (EF 7/Core1 is missing automatic assembly locator for entity configuration files).

  1. Add SSW.DataOnion.DbContextGenerator.EF6 nuget package to project that will contain your DbContext (i.e YourNamespace.Data) :

    Install-Package SSW.DataOnion.DbContextGenerator.EF6 -Pre
  2. Once package is installed, you will get readme.txt file with further instructions

Now you are ready to run EF migrations.